


  • 通过选择所需课程上的“添加到购物车”进行在线注册,并在准备结帐时选择页面底部的“购物车”.
    • The “离开了座位” information is updated every half hour and when you checkout.
  • 其他 registration options 是可用的.

Don’t see the course you are looking for below? Sign up to get updates and news about upcoming classes.


A to Z Grant Writing

Do you love writing and building rewarding, long-lasting relationships? Do you have a passion for a cause? As a grant writer, you can help nonprofit organizations, 学校, religious institutions, and research organizations acquire the funds they need to operate and to thrive. 在这个课堂上, 你将学习如何把金牌提案包放在一起-一个会吸引注意力的, 还有资金, 的捐助者. 这个信息丰富的课程将装备你的技能和工具,你需要进入这个令人兴奋和充实的领域. 无论你是谁或你有什么水平的经验,你都可以成为一名成功的拨款作者. You’ll find the A to Z of writing and submitting successful proposals right here. This is one of the best online grant writing courses around, 无论你是已经从事了相关的工作,还是正在寻找进入这个有回报的职业的第一步. This course is taught online through our partnership with Ed2go. To log into your online classroom, please visit www.ed2go.com/hvcc and select My Classroom. 请注意,您注册的课程可能需要24 - 48小时才能显示在“我的课堂”中.

A to Z Grant Writing
时间表 Section 离开了座位 成本 注册
在线, 7/17 - 9/6 zilc - 111 701 还剩13个座位 $125
在线, 8/14 - 10/4 zilc - 111 702 还剩15个座位 $125

Beginner's Guide to Using FREE ChatGPT (AI) for Writers

Instructor LeeAnne Krusemark is a former journalist, current author and editor, and a professor of publishing at higher learning institutions across the nation, including Harvard Adult 教育.

ChatGPT (AI) is here to stay and is the future for writers and content creators. Don’t be left behind! No prior AI experience required. 你想学习如何结合尖端技术的力量来获得想法和灵感吗, and write web content, 文章, and even novels or scripts? In this beginner-friendly course, you’ll learn how to register for a free ChatGPT account, input effective writing prompts to avoid nonsense responses, build creative content from stories to marketing copy, determine its capabilities and limitations, and understand the ethical/legal considerations of using ChatGPT. 毫无疑问,ChatGPT和类似的人工智能系统将推动就业市场的发展. It’s crucial for everyone to adapt, 学习新技能, and be open to working in collaboration with AI, so start building your expertise in the world of ChatGPT now! The webinar login information will be emailed the day before class. 需要退课的学生必须在课程开始前五个工作日退课,以便退款.  This course is taught remotely via Zoom.

Beginner's Guide to Using FREE ChatGPT (AI) for Writers
时间表 Section 离开了座位 成本 注册
7:00 pm - 8:55 pm
zcom - 098 700 还剩13个座位 $39

Beginning Conversational French

本课程将教你如何轻松自如地与讲法语的人交流. You will learn practical, 这些常用短语会让你在世界上许多讲法语的地区的旅行更愉快. You will learn 对话 specific to various settings, and you will be surprised how easy it can be to speak another language. This course is taught online through our partnership with Ed2go. To log into your online classroom, please visit www.ed2go.com/hvcc and select My Classroom. 请注意,您注册的课程可能需要24 - 48小时才能显示在“我的课堂”中.

Beginning Conversational French
时间表 Section 离开了座位 成本 注册
在线, 7/17 - 9/6 zilc - 062 701 还剩13个座位 $115
在线, 8/14 - 10/4 zilc - 062 702 还剩15个座位 $115

Conversational Japanese

Whether you want to learn conversational Japanese for travel or just for fun, 本课程使初学者轻松愉快地掌握日语的基本知识. 在日本本土教师的指导下,您还将获得只有圈内人才有的文化知识. This course is taught online through our partnership with Ed2go. To log into your online classroom, please visit www.ed2go.com/hvcc and select My Classroom. 请注意,您注册的课程可能需要24 - 48小时才能显示在“我的课堂”中.

Conversational Japanese
时间表 Section 离开了座位 成本 注册
在线, 7/17 - 9/6 zilc - 060 701 还剩14个座位 $115
在线, 8/14 - 10/4 zilc - 060 702 还剩15个座位 $115

英语 as a Second 语言

ESL -一级
This course is designed for beginning-level 英语 language learners. Little prior knowledge of 英语 is needed. 本课程将向学生介绍基本的美式英语语法和撰写简单句子所需的写作策略, 短的段落, and informal letters. 学生将学习阅读策略,并将其应用于基本或简化的英语文本.

Zesl 020700
21 Sessions, Hybrid Course
外胎. 和碰头. 6/4 - 8/15, 6:15 - 8:15 p.m.  7/4班
Classes will meet on campus, ADM 101, 6/27, 7/18 & 8/13
Irene Cruz, Instructor
只需要混合课程的教科书:“每个人的英语:英语语法练习书:ESL初学者成人语法练习册”ISBN: 978-1-4654-8466-6和“英语的美国方式:英语语言的有趣指南第二版”ISBN: 0738606766. 学生s will need to pay for their books.

Zesl 020701
21 Sessions, Remote Course
我的. 并结合. 6/3 - 8/14, 6 - 8 p.m.  6/19
Susan Gorga, Instructor
只需要远程课程的教科书:“Ventures 3E Level 1”剑桥ISBN: 9781316997925. 学生s will need to pay for their book.

ESL -二级
本课程是为高初级/低中级水平的英语学习者设计的. Some knowledge of 英语 is required. 学生将学习高初级/低中级水平的语法和写作策略. 段落组织,正式信函写作和商务写作也将解决.

Zesl 021 700
21 Sessions, Remote Course
我的. 并结合. 6/3 - 8/14, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.  6/19
Michelle Soule, Instructor
老师会在第一天上课时告知教材的相关信息. 学生s will need to pay for their own book.

Zesl 021701
21 Sessions, Remote Course
外胎. 和碰头. 6/4 - 8/15, 6 - 8 p.m.  7/4班
Elizabeth Allen, Instructor
老师会在第一天上课时告知教材的相关信息.  学生s will need to pay for their own book.

ESL -三级
本课程着重于四种语言技能:读、写、听、说. 学生将学习阅读策略以提高对英语文本的理解,并练习几种写作模式. 与同一内容相关的活动将提高学生的听力理解和口语流利度.

Zesl 022 700
21 Sessions, Remote Course
外胎. 和碰头. 6/4 - 8/15, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.  7/4班
Kristen Buyce, Instructor

英语 as a Second 语言
时间表 Section 离开了座位 成本 注册
zesl - 017 500 还剩95个座位 $0


这个充满活力的课程将教你如何用意大利语轻松地表达自己. You’ll learn practical, everyday words. 你会读, 如果你计划去意大利度假,你可能会遇到一些典型的情景,听并练习这些情景中的对话. 每节课的对话和后续练习将教会您在各种场合用意大利语进行交流. 你会惊讶地发现,你可以如此迅速而轻松地学会许多意大利语中有用的表达. This course is taught online through our partnership with Ed2go. To log into your online classroom, please visit www.ed2go.com/hvcc and select My Classroom. 请注意,您注册的课程可能需要24 - 48小时才能显示在“我的课堂”中.

时间表 Section 离开了座位 成本 注册
在线, 7/17 - 9/6 zilc - 061 701 还剩15个座位 $115
在线, 8/14 - 10/4 zilc - 061 702 还剩13个座位 $115

Spanish for Law Enforcement

每年有越来越多说西班牙语的人住在美国, learning the Spanish language is becoming ever more important. In the law enforcement field, 掌握基本的西班牙语会给你更多的技巧来处理涉及讲西班牙语的人的情况. 在简历中加入西班牙语技能也可以为你打开新的工作机会之门. This course is taught online through our partnership with Ed2go. To log into your online classroom, please visit www.ed2go.com/hvcc and select My Classroom. 请注意,您注册的课程可能需要24 - 48小时才能显示在“我的课堂”中.

Spanish for Law Enforcement
时间表 Section 离开了座位 成本 注册
在线, 7/17 - 9/6 zilc - 070 701 还剩15个座位 $129
在线, 8/14 - 10/4 zilc - 070 702 还剩15个座位 $129


Imagine yourself speaking, reading and writing Spanish. 现在可以了! This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn Spanish, pronto. You’ll learn six easy recipes for gluing Spanish words together to form sentences. 在任何时候,你都可以进入任何讲西班牙语的场合,用西班牙语交谈. ¡多么好! This course is taught online through our partnership with Ed2go. To log into your online classroom, please visit www.ed2go.com/hvcc and select My Classroom. 请注意,您注册的课程可能需要24 - 48小时才能显示在“我的课堂”中.

时间表 Section 离开了座位 成本 注册
在线, 7/17 - 9/6 zilc - 063 701 还剩14个座位 $125
在线, 8/14 - 10/4 zilc - 063 702 还剩13个座位 $125

Using Amazon's Kindle Direct to Self-Publish Your Book

Whether you’re looking to publish a paperback novel or short e-book, now or in the future, 这篇详细的教程将教你一步一步地创建一个Amazon KDP帐户, format your manuscript and upload it to the platform, easily create a book cover from available templates, determine pricing and royalties, develop a sales pitch for your Amazon page, and write an Amazon author bio. Informative handouts for future use are included in the class fee. The webinar login information will be emailed the day before class. 需要退课的学生必须在课程开始前五个工作日退课,以便退款. This course is taught remotely via Zoom.

LeeAnn Krusemark, Instructor

Using Amazon's Kindle Direct to Self-Publish Your Book
时间表 Section 离开了座位 成本 注册
下午5:00 -下午5:55
zcom - 087 700 还剩14个座位 $29

Write Your First Novel (in 90 Days!)

Instructor LeeAnne Krusemark is a former journalist, current author and editor, and a professor of publishing at higher learning institutions across the nation, including Harvard Adult 教育.

这个密集的课程提供了一个从开始到结束制作小说的时间表, which you can finish in as little as 90 days! This class will also help you stay motivated throughout the journey. You will learn how to select your novel genre and develop a compelling premise, create multidimensional characters and immersive settings, craft a detailed plot outline, manage your time to keep your writing flow consistent, combat common roadblocks including writer’s block, master the art of self-editing (refining your plot, and fixing pacing, 对话, and characterization problems), receive constructive criticism from beta readers, and explore publishing options. By the end of this class, 你将知道如何完成你的小说,并有知识和信心在出版过程中前进. Informative handouts for future use are included in the class fee. The webinar login information will be emailed the day before class. 需要退课的学生必须在课程开始前五个工作日退课,以便退款. This course is taught remotely via Zoom.

Write Your First Novel (in 90 Days!)
时间表 Section 离开了座位 成本 注册
7:00 pm - 8:55 pm
zcom - 097 700 还剩8个座位 $39

Write a Riveting Mystery, Suspense or Crime Story

Become a mystery writer for fun or profit! 在这个课堂上, 你会发现不同的子类型和三幕神秘写作的故事结构,并创建一个有趣的角色阵容. Learn how to research and pick your setting, make sure your opening grabs readers’ attention, 用“转移注意力”来误导读者,制造悬念,直到你准备好面对最后的真相. Publishing options will also be discussed. Informative handouts for future use are included in the class fee. The webinar login information will be emailed the day before class. 需要退课的学生必须在开课前5个工作日退费. This course is taught remotely via Zoom.

LeeAnne Krusemark, Instructor

Write a Riveting Mystery, Suspense or Crime Story
时间表 Section 离开了座位 成本 注册
7:00 pm - 8:55 pm
zcom - 094 700 还剩16个座位 $39

Additional Resources

Forms and Important Information
Here you will find forms for all of our courses and programs, including kids on campus, related to registration, consent and release, scholarship requests and more.
Keyboard with word Cancel highlighted
退款 & 取消
Cancellation and refund policies vary depending on the type and length of course. Find out about course cancellations, requesting a refund and more.


Division of Workforce Development and Community 教育

Fitzgibbons 健康 Technologies Center, Room 334

传真: (518) 629-8103

有规律: 我的day - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Summer 2024 Hours (May 20 - July 26): 我的day – Thursday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.; Friday, Closed
(excluding college holidays and vacations)